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Copper-Aluminium bimetal Connecting TerminalsDTL Copper-Aluminium Connecting Terminals - Copper-Aluminium Tube
Copper TerminalsSC(JGK/JGA/JGY/JGB)Copper Terminals - DT/ DTG /JG/AUS Copper Connecting Terminals - Copper
Aluminium Connecting TerminalsDL Aluminium Connecting Terminals
Connecting TubeGTY Introduction Copper Connecting Tube - Connecting Tube(Passing Through)
Double Hole TerminalsCH-2L Copper tube Terminals - DTL Copper- Aluminium Connecting Terminals
SHEAR BOLT SPLICES AND TERMINALBLMT Series Torque Terminals/Mechanical Lug - BSM Series Aluminum alloy terminal connector
OtherAWG Copper Tube Terminals - T45°Copper Tube Terminals - T90° Copper Tube Terminals
  OT Copper Open Connecting Nose - C45 Plug-In Needle
DL Aluminium Connecting Terminals
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Telephone:86-577-62127001, 0577-62190012, 0577-62190013
Fax:86-577-61662388  Skype:sword.cen
Address:No.13,Tengfei Road, Dongfeng Industrial Area, Liushi Town, Yueqing, Wenzhou, Zhejiang, China
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Yueqing HOORED Electric Co., Ltd. The main production and sales of nylon ties - stainless steel ties - cable accessories.Manufacturers' direct sales,Global shipments?,Quality assurance, welcome to consult to negotiate:+86-0577-621270011
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